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Why Choose US

Our dedicated account managers and recruiters develop a thorough understanding of both our clients and consultant's attributes and their individual goals and expectations to ensure the best possible fit.

Our specialized technical experts screen candidates meticulously to validate their level of expertise and experience.

We have a large and constantly updated database of candidates who have stellar credentials and a history of successful placements.


We present the best candidates who know the technology, can clinch our clients' overall and exact business goals and will comfortably fit into the culture and structure of the team with whom they'd be working.


We make sure that each candidate's motivations are completely in sync with the opportunity, ensuring both short- and long-term success.


To connect with prospective pool of resources, we attend, networking events, which gives us access to great array of talent pool.

Contact Us

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Address. 63 RAMAPO VALLEY RD STE 214
Mahwah, NJ 07430-1183

Tel. 201-378-0036

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